South India, also known as Peninsular India, consists of the peninsular southern part of India.
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Integrating historic data stands to improve climate models in the Global South
Genetic databases don’t fairly capture species richness of Global South, new data show
Rich countries drain ‘shocking’ amount of labor from the Global South
Greenhouse gas emissions in Global South countries linked with IMF lending policies, study finds
Climate-smart cows could deliver 10–20x more milk in Global South
Scientists from the Global South innovate to track ongoing amphibian pandemic
Novel atlas shows vast urban infrastructure divide between Global South and Global North
Onshore algae farms could be 'breadbasket for Global South'
Why Do Global South Scientists Struggle To Get Published?
Open-access publishing fees deter researchers in the global south
School closures may have wiped out a year of academic progress for pupils in Global South
Ageism and sexism barring grandmothers from initiatives to save newborn lives in Global South