Global Ocean

The World Ocean or Global Ocean is the interconnected system of the oceanic waters of the sea, and comprises the bulk of the hydrosphere, covering 361,132,000 square kilometres or 70.8% of Earth's surface, with a total volume of roughly 1,332,000,000 cubic kilometres.

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Nitrogen fixation on marine particles is important in the global ocean - EurekAlert

Q&A: How rate of CO2 rise can affect a global ocean current - EurekAlert

Mars may be drenched beneath its surface, with enough water hiding in the cracks of underground rocks to form a global ocean, new research suggests.

South Florida estuaries warming faster than Gulf of Mexico, global ocean, USF research shows - EurekAlert

South Florida estuaries warming faster than Gulf of Mexico, global ocean, USF research shows

Climate-smart marine spatial planning in Antarctica can be a model for the global ocean - EurekAlert

Saturn’s Moon Mimas Harbors Global Ocean beneath Its Icy Shell, Study Suggests

Ancient global ocean on Mars may have come from carbon-rich chondrite meteorites from the outer solar system

Early meteorites brought enough water to Mars to create a global ocean

New model sheds light on day/night cycle in the global ocean

Saturn’s Moon Mimas Hosts Global Ocean, New Study Suggests

Global Ocean Out of Balance: Humans Appear To Have Broken a Law of Nature

Over 120 scientific experts’ global ocean report shows unprecedented climate change impact, as Arctic registers record low ice levels

Climate Change Likely To Abruptly Impact Algae in the Global Ocean