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Harsh parenting in childhood may alter brain development and lead to behavioral issues in girls

Alarming gap on girls’ sport contributes to low participation rates - EurekAlert

Advocate for girls in science can now make her pitch in Congress

Could online technology be a clue as to why boys in Norway are outperforming girls in learning English as a second language?

Large variation in how girls grow after their first period

Large variation in how girls grow after their first period - EurekAlert

Girls in STEM Inspired to Fly High at NASA Kennedy

Fragrance in Care Products Could Be Triggering Early Puberty in Girls

Alarm Bells Ring As Chemicals in Personal Care Products Linked to Early Puberty in Girls

Girls may start puberty early due to chemical exposure

NA-ROAD announces 2024 cohort of 10 women and girls in astronomy for development projects - EurekAlert

Largest ever genetic study of age of puberty in girls shows links with weight gain

There Are Critical Differences in The Brains of Girls Diagnosed With Autism

Scientists Uncover Key Brain Development Differences in Autistic Boys and Girls

Key differences in brain development between autistic boys and girls

Astronaut James Halsell drank wine and sleeping pills, causing a crash that killed 2 girls. District Attorney says Halsell’s experience should have prevented him from drinking and driving while his defense described how he handled the Space Shuttle during an emergency

1st woman to command a US spacecraft Eileen Collins 'signs' patch to inspire girls

Millions of Girls in Africa Will Miss HPV Shots After Merck Production Problem

Gender stereotypes in schools impact on girls and boys with mental health difficulties, study finds

Parents, wealth, race drive girls' chances to play sports