Study maps bed bugs' genomes in unprecedented detail to find out why they just won't die
Meet Evo, the DNA-trained AI that creates genomes from scratch
A new wrinkle in turtles: Their genomes fold in a unique way, researchers find
Genomes of Ancient Easter Islanders Reveal Resilience and Pre-European Contacts with Americas
Earthworms have ‘completely scrambled’ genomes. Did that enable their ancestors to leave the sea?
From genomes to gardens: introducing the HortGenome Search Engine for horticultural crops - EurekAlert
Researchers Sequence Genomes of Greater and Lesser Bilbies
Researchers Sequence Genomes of Greater and Lesser Bilbies
These mushrooms have “massively expanded” genomes to make them more adaptable to multiple lifestyles - EurekAlert
These mushrooms have “massively expanded” genomes to make them more adaptable to multiple lifestyles - EurekAlert
Modifying genomes of tardigrades to unravel their secrets
Modifying genomes of tardigrades to unravel their secrets - EurekAlert
Genomes of “star algae” shed light on origin of plants - EurekAlert
Genomes of 'star algae' shed light on origin of plants
Genomes are necessary yet insufficient for understanding embryonic development; researchers highlight information-processing dynamics of non-neuronal cellular collectives to construct & repair large-scale anatomical forms
Genomes of modern Indian people include wide range of Neanderthal DNA
Study: Butterfly and Moth Genomes Have Remained Largely Intact through 250M Years of Evolution
Quarter-million genomes analyzed in NIH project could be ‘hugely important’ for identifying disease risks
New toolbox allows engineering of genomes without CRISPR
More than 100 'magic mushroom' genomes point the way to new cultivars