
In linguistics, grammatical gender system is a specific form of noun class system, where nouns are assigned with gender categories that are often not related to their real-world qualities.

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Researchers from South Korea reveal how gender shapes perceptions of safety in urban parking spaces - EurekAlert

How a cancer researcher lost a gender-related grant to Trump’s executive orders

US health agency seeks to cut gender-related terms from scientific papers

Women Exhibit Less Manipulative Personality Traits In More Gender-Equal Countries

#16to365: New resources for year-round activism to end gender-based violence and strengthen bodily autonomy for all - EurekAlert

Study finds use of gender-neutral ‘Latinx’ by Democratic pols is costing them votes

Sexual and gender-diverse individuals face mo - EurekAlert

Age trumps gender, income and postcode for consumers' clothing habits - EurekAlert

Hepatic inflammation, ballooning, and pyknosis caused by LED light exposure in a mouse model, with differential effects by age and gender (2024)

Autistic traits, behavioral problems in 7-year-olds linked with gender nonconforming play - EurekAlert

Gender-sensitive job titles may affect women’s interest in job ads - EurekAlert

AI for mental health screening may carry biases based on gender, race

Sex And Gender Show Distinct Variations in Brain Connectivity

Brain imaging study in children shows sex and gender operate in different networks of the brain

Minority status, social origin, gender, and weight can all count against a German kid's grades - EurekAlert

Omega-3 Supplementation Linked to 30% Reduction in Aggression Across Age and Gender

The case for omega-3 supplementation to lower aggression | A new meta-analysis shows that omega-3 supplementation can reduce aggressive behavior across age and gender.

Testosterone therapy: A safe and effective gender-affirming hormone therapy for trans men - EurekAlert

Consultative support to pediatric primary care providers in providing gender-affirming care - EurekAlert

New study reveals how gender affects liver transplant success in cancer patients - EurekAlert