
Galaxy Game is a space combat arcade game developed in 1971 during the early era of video games.

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Universe’s missing matter may be explained by galaxies leaking gas

Unlocking Cosmic Secrets: Astronomers Develop New Technique To Extract Information From Galaxies

Supermassive black holes provide 'hearts and lungs' that help galaxies live longer

Can the James Webb Space Telescope see galaxies over the universe's horizon?

Galaxies Regulate their Own Growth so they Don’t Run Out of Star Forming Gas

2 galaxies, the Penguin and the Egg, get a family portrait thanks to Webb Telescope

How Hubble Sees Through Cosmic Dust to Map Galaxies

The great silence: Just 4 in 10,000 galaxies may host intelligent aliens

Strange observations of galaxies challenge ideas about dark matter

Galaxies Filled With Old Stars Seen Shortly After the Big Bang

‘Little red dot’ galaxies are breaking theories of cosmic evolution

Black Hole Bullies Shut Down Star Formation in Their Galaxies

Galactic winds from black holes found to influence the evolution of galaxies

NASA’s Hubble Celebrates 21st Anniversary with “Rose” of Galaxies

Rotation Curves of Galaxies Stay Flat Indefinitely

How are galaxies destroyed?

Webb Explores Cosmic Dawn: Witnessing the First Galaxies Feeding on Cold Gas

We've Just Seen The First Galaxies in The Universe Being Born

Galaxies in the Early Universe Preferred their Food Cold

Galaxies actively forming in early universe caught feeding on cold gas - EurekAlert