
Armillaria gallica (synonymous with A. bulbosa and A. lutea) is a species of honey mushroom in the family Physalacriaceae of the order Agaricales.

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Fungus-infected zombie spiders discovered in Northern Ireland

A fungus to save plants? - EurekAlert

How music could boost plant growth: « The idea of music boosting plant growth has been around for many years, but a new study has found that monotonous noise stimulates a type of fungus that improves the growth of plants. »

Unlocking Nature’s Secret Weapon: Fungus That Fights Cancer

This Fungus Appears to Be Able to Recognize Shapes, Study Shows

Scientists Found a Surprising Way to Make Fungus Happy

How a bacterium becomes a permanent resident in a fungus

This fungus grows more vigorously when it feels good vibes

A Fungus Decimated American Bats. Now Scientists Are Fighting Back.

Fungus-controlled robots tap into the unique power of nature

Fungus transforms food waste into haute cuisine

A fungus is killing frogs. Homemade saunas might save them, scientists say.

Fungus breaks down ocean plastic - EurekAlert

Fungus breaks down ocean plastic

Fungus lost to science for 42 years found again in Chilean mountains

Researchers find unique adaptations of fungus associated with bee bread - EurekAlert

Researchers find unique adaptations of fungus associated with bee bread

Amphibian Apocalypse: Virus vs. Fungus in the Battle for Survival

A Chicago startup has turned a fungus found by NASA into a protein-packed food

Moon hummus could be a thing as researchers use fungus and worm poop to grow chickpeas in synthetic lunar soil