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In His Final Weeks, Biden Aims To Cut Off Funding For Oil And Gas Projects Abroad

University of Tennessee wins funding for green jobs initiative - EurekAlert

MCG neuroscientist receives $2.3 million in funding from NIH High-Risk, High-Reward Research program - EurekAlert

One million Euro funding - developmental biologist receives NOMIS grant - EurekAlert

Parasitologists up in arms as NIH ends funding for key database

USC researchers receive funding to develop next generation of intelligent biocomputers - EurekAlert

NCT/UCC Dresden: Millions in funding from the - EurekAlert

PCORI announces $165 million in funding for new health research - EurekAlert

Argonne receives U.S. Department of Energy funding for four next-generation clean-energy projects - EurekAlert

Company wins funding to make medicine in space

E.P.A. Announces Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Totaling $4.3 Billion

Five projects will receive funding to advance understanding of ocean systems in a changing climate - EurekAlert

Biden administration suspends funding for Peter Daszak, scientist at center of COVID lab leak theory

Federal officials suspend funding to EcoHealth Alliance, nonprofit entangled in COVID-19 origin debate

PCORI announces $150 million in funding for new health research - EurekAlert

New initiative aims to bolster funding for scientists in war-torn Ukraine

A “slow bleed” of funding threatens NASA’s science flagships

Space Force mulls refueling as industry calls for funding, standards

President’s NASA FY 2025 Funding Supports US Space, Climate Leadership

NSF board approves funding for just one of two proposed giant telescopes