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DeepCRBP: Improved predicting function of circRNA-RBP binding sites with deep feature learning - EurekAlert

Mindfulness in your DNA? Capacity to be present is partly a function of genetics, study finds

Scientists identify new 'regulatory' function of learning and memory gene common to all mammalian brain cells

The GPCR Puzzle: New Research Reveals Molecular Origins of Function for a Key Drug Target

Study reveals function of little-understood synapse in the brain

The Brain’s Secret Handshake: Research Reveals Function of Little-Understood Synapse

Researchers develop algorithm to determine how cellular 'neighborhoods' function in tissues

Researchers develop algorithm to determine how cellular 'neighborhoods' function in tissues

GPCR structure: Research reveals molecular origins of function for a key drug target

Decades after blood pressure-related pregnancy complications, women can have changes in heart structure and function

House approves ban on gain-of-function pathogen research

New drug-like molecule extends lifespan, ameliorates pathology in worms and boosts function in mammalian muscle cells

New Study Links Infant Stunting to Differences in Cognitive and Brain Function

Stunting in infancy linked to differences in cognitive and brain function

Restoring the function of a human cell surface protein in yeast cells

A change in rigidity switches the function of protein condensates involved in sensing touch

A review of recent preliminary clinical findings suggests psychedelics, particularly psilocybin (magic mushrooms) may relieve chronic pain and improve function and quality of life.

Structure of crucial receptor in brain development, function

First global survey reveals who is doing ‘gain of function’ research on pathogens and why. An analysis of the controversial work indicates that a one-size-fits-all regulation strategy will have consequences.