Fruit flies

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How fruit flies flit between courtship and aggression to fight for mates

Fungus 'hacks' natural immune system causing neurodegeneration in fruit flies

How fruit flies flit between courtship and aggression to fight for mates - EurekAlert

Research in fruit flies pinpoints brain pathways involved in alcohol-induced insomnia

Fruit flies' courtship song may hold key to controlling mosquitoes

Fruit flies’ courtship song may hold key to controlling mosquitoes - EurekAlert

Fruit flies in space! Chinese astronauts show off experiment on Tiangong space station (video)

How studying fruit flies can help us understand congenital defects

How fruit flies achieve accurate visual behavior despite changing light conditions - EurekAlert

How fruit flies achieve accurate visual behavior despite changing light conditions

Scientists can reverse brain aging in fruit flies by preventing buildup of a common protein

In studying the mating rituals of fruit flies, scientists may have learned something about how brains evolve

Fruit flies' visual navigation tactics differ by environment

RNA editing plays critical role in fruit flies’ sense of smell and social interactions - EurekAlert

One-third of fruit flies go through life injured, <em>CSI</em>-type study reveals

Tiny Antennae, Big Discoveries: How Fruit Flies Use Less to Sense More

Study on fruit flies could benefit eggs of older women

Bacteria Living in The Brains of Fruit Flies Have a Surprising Effect on Their Memory

Tiny treadmills show how fruit flies walk

How fruit flies control the brain's 'steering wheel'