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Social media can be used to increase fruit and vegetable intake in young people

Seeing is believing: Janelia reveals connectome of the fruit fly visual system - EurekAlert

Tropical forests can't recover naturally without fruit-eating birds

Tropical forests can't recover naturally without fruit eating birds - EurekAlert

According to Scientists, This Fruit Improves Mental Health – Fast

Ancient primates’ unchipped teeth hint that they ate mostly fruit

Here’s how much fruit you can take from a display before it collapses

Shock Result Reveals The Fruit You May Want to Leave Out of Smoothies

Saving the Apple’s Ancient Ancestor in the Forests of Kazakhstan. Found in the Tian Shan mountains, Malus sieversii could hold the secret to making other species of the fruit more stress-resistant.

Fruit, nectar, bugs and blood: How bat teeth and jaws evolved for a diverse dinnertime

Defect in fruit fly respiratory system may provide insights into human aortic aneurysms

The microbiome of fruit and vegetables positively influences diversity in the gut