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Dinosaur Extinction Indirectly Shaped Evolution of Our Fruit-Eating Ancestors, Researchers Say

Why maggots love the texture of decaying fruit

Hydrogen peroxide and the mystery of fruit ripening: ‘Signal messengers’ in plants - EurekAlert

Grapes of math: Quantum breakthrough bears fruit - EurekAlert

Revolutionizing Neuroscience: Full Connectome of Fruit Fly Brain Revealed

Invisible anatomy in the fruit fly uterus - EurekAlert

Invisible anatomy in the fruit fly uterus

This surprisingly creative trick helps children eat more fruit and veg

FRIB/Argonne National Laboratory collaboration on SOLARIS instrument bears fruit - EurekAlert

Complete map of fruit fly brain circuitry unveiled

The fruit fly revolutionized biology. Now it’s boosting science in Africa

Frequent fizzy or fruit drinks and high coffee consumption linked to higher stroke risk

Fruit-only diet improves bats' immune response to viruses

Fruit-only diet improves bats’ immune response to viruses - EurekAlert

Is it really cheaper to cultivate your own fruit and vegetables?

Don’t judge a fossil by its teeth: despite its toothy beak, this ancient bird ate fruit, not fish - EurekAlert

Don’t judge a fossil by its teeth: despite its toothy beak, this ancient bird ate fruit, not fish - EurekAlert

Fruit and oats raise risk of type 1 diabetes but berries provide protection, research suggests

Protect your teeth with fruit: antimicrobial effects found in biomass compounds

Protect your teeth with fruit: antimicrobial effects found in biomass compounds - EurekAlert