
France, officially the French Republic, is a transcontinental country spanning Western Europe and overseas regions and territories in South America and the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. Including all of its territories, France has twelve time zones, the most of any country. Its metropolitan area extends from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean and from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea; overseas territories include French Guiana in South America, Saint Pierre and Miquelon in the North Atlantic, the French West Indies, and several islands in Oceania and the Indian Ocean. Due to its several coastal territories, France has the largest exclusive economic zone in the world. France borders Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Monaco, Italy, Andorra and Spain in Europe, as well as the Netherlands, Suriname and Brazil in the Americas. Its eighteen integral regions span a combined area of 643,801 km² and over 67 million people.

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Engineering Endurance: The Science Behind the 2024 Tour de France’s Toughest Climbs

France: National Aerospace R & D institute ONERA acheives World Premiere by establishing 38,000 km Laser high-speed compatible optical link.

China, France launch satellite to better understand the universe

China and France launch satellite to better understand the universe

Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate Visits Partners in Spain, United Kingdom, Greece, and France

France should create an NIH <em>à la française</em> to boost biomedical research, report urges

Antarctic Ice Shelf The Size of France Suddenly Jumps Once or Twice a Day

Man in France Stumbled Upon a 70-Million-Year-old Dinosaur Fossil While Out Walking His Dog Yet Chose to Keep it Secret for 2 Years

Study examines the dynamics of economic growth and wealth inequality in France and the United States. France experiences a negative correlation between wealth inequality and economic growth, whereas the United States shows a different pattern

Unique Fossil Site Discovered in France Provides Insights into Ordovician Polar Ecosystems

New fossil site of worldwide importance uncovered in southern France

New fossil site of worldwide importance uncovered in southern France

France’s Groundbreaking Fossil Discovery Sheds Light on Ancient Climates

India, France sign pact to jointly develop, launch military satellites

France has big plans to reform research, but key details remain vague

In any election, there are usually polarizing issues that sway voters toward one candidate or another. A recent study asked more than 2,000 people to rank their preference for political proposals in the leadup to the 2022 elections in France and Brazil, to identify the most polarizing ideas.

Felicette: How France launched the first cat into space 60 years ago

'Holy Grail' of Northern Lights Just Turned The Sky Blood Red As Far South As France

Largest-ever genetic family tree reconstructed for Neolithic people in France using ancient DNA

Woman in France hit by suspected meteorite while drinking coffee on her porch - The woman was sat on her porch when she heard a loud "bang" from the roof and a pebble-size rock pinged into her chest. But not everyone is convinced it was a meteorite