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Astronomers offer new model for formation of recently discovered 'free-floating' planets

Strong Winds Drive Formation of Colossal Rogue Waves, Scientists Say

Formation-Flying Spacecraft Could Probe the Solar System for New Physics

Study Reveals Dusty Chaos May Be Key to Formation of Life-Building Space Molecules

Evolutionary history of the formation of forceps and maternal care in earwigs

Astronomers reveal a new link between water and planet formation

Hiroshima's Nuclear Fallout Could Hold Clues on Our Solar System's Formation

Similarities and differences in human and insect vision formation

A study suggested “the ability of CBD to reduce the formation of lipid inflammation precursors in rat cerebral cortex, as a primary event in the development of neurodegenerative diseases.”

JWST Reveals a Surprise Twist in Black Hole And Galaxy Formation

Water may have flowed intermittently in Martian valleys for hundreds of millions of years. Using impact craters as a dating tool, researchers determined maximum timescales for formation of Martian valley networks shaped by running water - which has big implications for early Mars' habitability.

How giant impacts shaped the formation of the solar system's planets

Nuclear fission discovery in stars hints at formation of elements not found on Earth

The Starling Squadron: NASA’s CubeSats Take Formation in Space

JWST Confirms the Formation of Heavy Elements in a Kilonova

What cosmic object 'Arrokoth' can tell us about our solar system's formation

Tracking down the formation of cardenolides in plants

From Core to Crust: The Significance of Magma’s Oxidation in Earth’s Formation