Fluid Dynamics

In physics, physical chemistry and engineering, fluid dynamics is a subdiscipline of fluid mechanics that describes the flow of fluids—liquids and gases.

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Jet-Powered Cicada Urination Redefines the Rules of Fluid Dynamics

Cicadas' unique urination unlocks new understanding of fluid dynamics

Fluid dynamics researchers shed light on how partially submerged objects experience drag

Redefining Fluid Dynamics: Ancient Invention Sparks Modern Breakthrough

Improving bloodstain pattern analysis with fluid dynamics

Fluid dynamics helps flamingos slurp meals from muck

Ancalle, a mechanical engineering student at Georgia Tech who researches fluid dynamics, is currently working to demystify the acoustics of urination, flatulence, and diarrhea

Predicting Risk of Aneurysm Rupture Based on Blood Flow and Fluid Dynamics

'Quantum friction' slows water flow through carbon nanotubes, resolving long-standing fluid dynamics mystery

“Quantum Friction” Explains Fluid Dynamics Mystery That Has Baffled Scientists for 15 Years

The Venus's Flower Basket's Weird Fluid Dynamics Explained

Fluid Dynamics Shows Why You Should Wear Masks Outdoors To Prevent Coronavirus Exposure

Prototype Artificial Stomach Reveals Fluid Dynamics of Food Digestion

Artificial stomach reveals fluid dynamics of food digestion

Tiny symmetric swimmer evades basic rule of fluid dynamics

Complex Fluid Dynamics May Explain Hydroplaning Phenomenon

Complex fluid dynamics may explain hydroplaning

Fluid Dynamics Expert Explains How to Reduce the Risk of COVID-19 Airborne Transmission Inside a Car