
Fires is the related tasks and systems that provide collective and coordinated use of Army indirect fires, air and missile defense, and joint fires through the targeting process. Alternatively, it can be defined as the use of weapon systems to create a specific lethal or nonlethal effect on a target.

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Crimea videos show fires blazing as space radar targeted with ATACMS—report

AI and satellite imager can spot fires 500x faster than on-ground

Fighting fires from space in record time: how AI could prevent devastating wildfires - EurekAlert

Fighting fires from space in record time: How AI could prevent devastating wildfires

Innovation promises to prevent power pole-top fires

Innovation promises to prevent power pole-top fires - EurekAlert

Fires pose growing worldwide threat to wildland-urban interface

2020 extreme weather event that brought fires and snow to western US

Cooler, wetter parts of Pacific Northwest likely to see more fires, new simulations predict

NASA is Done Setting Fires Inside its Doomed Cargo Spacecraft

The Fingerprints on Chile’s Fires and California Floods: El Niño and Warming

Ultrasound could spot battery defects that might lead to fires

Revolutionizing Fuel Safety: Scientists Develop Liquid Fuel That Can’t Start Fires

Ariane 6 Fires its Engines, Simulating a Flight to Space

Haunting Animation Shows All The Fires Burning in Northern Australia The Past 2 Months

Grass and Shrub Fires Destroy More Homes Than Forest Fires Across U.S.

NASA Flights Link Methane Plumes to Tundra Fires in Western Alaska

NASA Flights Link Methane Plumes to Tundra Fires in Western Alaska

How Fires, Floods and Hurricanes Create Deadly Pockets of Information Isolation

New research highlights opportunities to protect carbon and communities from forest fires