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Researchers used advanced imaging techniques to visualize how herpesviruses exit the cell nucleus . These findings could pave the way for developing more effective antiviral therapies to combat herpesvirus infections.

Previously Unknown Immune System Link Uncovered – Findings Could Lead to New Cancer Treatments

“Counterintuitive” Findings: MIT Scientists Uncover Surprising Metal Behavior Under Extreme Conditions

In experiments in mice, the most anxious individuals sought out stimulation of certain neurons that both induce extreme hunger and quiet anxiety. The findings suggest a biological basis for restricting food to the point of starvation, seeking anorexia-like behaviors to relieve stress.

Concerning Findings – This Severe Heart Disease Is Becoming Much More Common

Findings of large-scale study on 572 Asian families supports gene-directed management of BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene ... - EurekAlert

Nanocellulose is increasingly safe for our seas, according to findings from a study conducted on mussels - EurekAlert

Dark Energy Could Be Evolving Over Time, Raising Questions About the Nature of the Cosmos | The largest 3D map of the universe ever made hints that dark energy might not be a constant, though the findings must be backed up with more data

Scientists Discover “Molecular Rosetta Stone” – Findings Reveal How Our Microbiome Talks to Us

“Concerning” Findings – Study Links Everyday Chemicals to Parkinson’s Disease in Western U.S.

Recent research identifies the proteins that kickstart limb formation in embryos. Just 3 gene-transcription factor proteins in mice were enough to convert certain non-limb-forming stem cells into limb-forming versions. The findings are a next step in regenerative medicine, to grow or regrow limbs.

“Shocking” Findings – Scientists Discover How Stress Triggers Cancer’s Spread

Mutant wolves of Chernobyl appear to have developed resistance to cancer by developing cancer resistant genes - raising hopes the findings can help scientists fight the disease in humans

“Astounding” Findings – Scientists Uncover Startling Origins of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Study: Stars travel more slowly at Milky Way’s edge. The findings suggest our galaxy’s core may contain less dark matter than previously estimated.

NASA’s IXPE Helps Researchers Maximize ‘Microquasar’ Findings

Concerning Findings – Many More Infected by TBE Virus Than Previously Thought

A study’s findings “do not support concerns that legal recreational cannabis is associated with cannabis use during pregnancy or beliefs about safety.”

“Alarming” Findings: Current Uses of Asbestos Exceed Exposure Limits

“Fascinating” Findings – Scientists Have Discovered a New Type of Immune Cell