
Campylobacter fetus is a rod-shaped, gram-negative species of bacteria within the genus Campylobacter of phylum Pseudomonadota.

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Fetus Receives Life-Saving Medication Before Birth in Medical First

Fetus in Fetu: A Rare Developmental Condition With No Independent Survival

IVF pregnancies at greater risk of exposure to medicines that can harm the fetus

Study advances understanding of metformin effects on fetus - EurekAlert

The virus behind an outbreak in Brazil can spread from mother to fetus

During Pregnancy, the Placenta Hacks the Immune System to Protect the Fetus

First 'virgin birth' seen in crocs: scientists found that a fully-formed fetus in one croc egg was genetically identical to its mum, suggesting it had developed without the egg being fertilised by a male croc

Doctors Conduct Brain Surgery on Fetus in Womb in World First

Brain surgery before birth fixes abnormal blood vessel in fetus

Brain surgery before birth fixes abnormal artery in 34-week-old fetus

Genetic conflict with the fetus influences when women give birth

For the First Time: Doctors Have Successfully Treated a Fetus With a Devastating Genetic Disorder

Working in extreme heat puts strain on fetus

Pre-eclampsia may raise a fetus's risk of heart disease in later life

Enzyme treatment given directly to fetus prevents symptoms of rare genetic disease

Toxic Air Pollution Particles Can Get Into Fetus Brains, Lungs, Livers, Says New Study

'Placenta-on-a-chip' mimics malaria-infected nutrient exchange between mother-fetus

CDC: Listeria Outbreak Linked To Florida, 22 Hospitalized, One Dead, One Lost Fetus

Nanoparticles can cross the placenta during pregnancy, potentially exposing fetus

Placenta plays active part in transferring vitamin D to fetus during pregnancy