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Study shows potential of resveratrol to aid fertility

New survey finds over half of Americans are unaware that bariatric surgery can improve fertility - EurekAlert

Microplastics Suspected to Cause Fertility, Gut, And Lung Issues, Warns New Review

The genetic basis of fertility, family and longevity

Pirfenidone, an FDA-Approved Drug, Delays Ovarian Aging and Enhances Fertility in Older Mice -

Sweet success: genomic insights into the wax apple's flavor and fertility - EurekAlert

Common Drug May Extend Women's Fertility by Years, Early Results Show

Unlocking Secrets to Extend Fertility With Long-Lived Proteins

New findings on fertility: Sperm can adapt to sexually transmitted microbes - EurekAlert

New findings on fertility: Sperm can adapt to sexually transmitted microbes

New Study Unveils Serotonin’s Key Role in Fertility and Depression

Serotonin neurons improve fertility by sensing energy availability, suggesting treatment for depression-related infertility - EurekAlert

Researchers uncover protein interactions controlling fertility in female mice

'Useless' appendage of the ovaries may play key role in fertility

Semen Has Its Own Microbiome--And It Might Influence Fertility

The Semen Microbiome Is a Thing, And It Might Be Impacting Fertility

A recent study in mice unpacks some of the biological mechanisms causing the ovaries to age, and offers new ways that fertility might be preserved or even extended past women's mid-30s.

Study suggests that having common ancestors can jeopardize fertility for generations

Bacteria can enhance host insect's fertility with implications for disease control

Naturally occurring anti-aging compound enhances fertility in older mice