
Roger Federer (German: [ˈrɔdʒər ˈfeːdərər]; born August 8 1981) is a Swiss former professional tennis player.

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Thursday Trump Tracker: Senators love CHIPS, Education Dept. threatened, fed buildings not for sale?

Fire, fed by leaking engines, destroyed ABL Space Systems rocket

Emotional overeating fed by temperament, caregivers' reactions to children's emotions

Mice Fed Low Levels of Aspartame Passed on Learning Deficits to Their Offspring

Zombie white dwarf fed on neighbor star until exploding in a thermonuclear blast

Benefits of Condensed Tannins in Forage Legumes Fed to Ruminants: Importance of Structure, Concentration, and Diet Composition

Ancient Beetles Fed on Cast-Offs of Feathered Dinosaurs 105 Million Years Ago

Could changes in Fed's interest rates affect pollution and the environment?

Neanderthals hunted enormous elephants that fed 100 people for a month

Fires in a microgravity environment (like the space station) are fed by random oxygen molecules stumbling into them in a process called molecular diffusion. This produces spherical flames that burn more slowly and consume less oxygen, giving off a fraction of the heat emitted by terrestrial flames.

Big Meat just can’t quit antibiotics | 6 million kilograms of antibiotics are fed to animals on US farms each year

Aztec Science: Precise Solar Observations Fed Millions in Ancient Mexico

Gut microbiomes of mouse pups are permanently altered when moms are fed a low-fiber diet while nursing

Hemp-fed cows get high and produce THC-laced milk

Hemp-Fed Cows Get Buzzed, Study Finds, but Will Humans Who Drink Their Milk?

Cows fed hemp act stoned and produce milk containing THC

Archaeologists find a trove of ancient human sacrifices fed psychedelic plants before death

InnovationRx: Fed Rate Hikes Are Bad For Biotech; Plus: A New Covid Variant Wave?

Ultraluminous 'hot DOG' galaxy fed by swarm of surrounding satellite galaxies

Larger, 65-foot-long Megalodon Might Have Fed on Whales