
The Golden Girls is an American sitcom created by Susan Harris that aired on NBC from September 14, 1985, to May 9, 1992, with a total of 180 half-hour episodes, spanning seven seasons.

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A little bit of fear can bring down levels of inflammation in the body

A little bit of fear can bring down high levels of inflammation

Fear of another heart attack may be a major source of ongoing stress for survivors

One Super Predator in Africa Instills Even More Fear Than Lions

The roots of fear: Understanding the amygdala

Predation, not fear of wolves, keeps elk from denuding Yellowstone

How Fear Memories Evolve: New Findings Offer Insights Into PTSD Treatment

Why Do People Love to Be Afraid? An Expert Explains Why Fear Feels Good

Fear of childbirth is associated with shorter duration of breastfeeding

Fear of cancer recurrence common decades after surviving childhood cancer

Darwin’s Fear Was Unjustified: New Study Confirms Evolution Despite Fossil Gaps

Landscape of Fear: Fear of Violent Conflicts Influenced Development of Non-State Societies in Ancient Europe

Landscape of Fear: Fear of Violent Conflicts Influenced Development of Non-State Societies in Ancient Europe

What role did fear play in Europe's population growth? - EurekAlert

Brain Mechanism That Regulates Fear Discovered in Mice, Scientists Say

Detroit research team to investigate fear of falling in MS patients - EurekAlert

Study: Fear of falling, fall-related injuries haunt full-time wheelchair, motorized scooter users - EurekAlert

Study: Fear of falling, fall-related injuries haunt full-time wheelchair, motorized scooter users - EurekAlert

This nerve-rattling 'Alien: Romulus' trailer reminds us that 'fear is bigger in IMAX' (video)

Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to incite fear of China vaccines