
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) defines fatigue as "A physiological state of reduced mental or physical performance capability resulting from sleep loss or extended wakefulness, circadian phase, or workload." The phenomenon places great risk on the crew and passengers of an airplane because it significantly increases the chance of pilot error.

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Study Reveals 2 Key Ways to Reduce Fatigue at Work

Circadian nutrition: Is meal timing an elixir for fatigue? - EurekAlert

New Wearable Device Eases Long COVID Pain and Fatigue

Electrical nerve stimulation eases long COVID pain and fatigue, study finds

For multiple sclerosis, medication and cognitive behavioral therapy can reduce fatigue

Continuous monitoring of fatigue in factory workers - EurekAlert

Dozing at the wheel? Not with these fatigue-detecting earbuds - EurekAlert

Dozing at the wheel? Not with these fatigue-detecting earbuds

Boost Your Workout: Scientists Have Discovered a New Treatment for Fatigue Caused by Exercise

We May Have Found a Target For Treating The Fatigue of Long COVID

Ferroelectric material is now fatigue-free - EurekAlert

Study aims to reform understanding and treatment of fatigue in multiple sclerosis - EurekAlert

Headaches, Memory Problems, and Fatigue – How COVID-19 Affects the Brain

Improving fuel cell durability with fatigue-resistant membranes

Probiotics helped reduce fatigue and memory loss from long covid

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Medical Cannabis Use Linked to Significant Improvements in Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression, and Pain

A Psychologist Offers 2 Solutions To ‘Digital Fatigue’ And ‘Notification Overload’

Legalese Fatigue: Even Lawyers Prefer Plain English

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