
The Farm is an intentional community in Lewis County, Tennessee, near the town of Summertown, Tennessee, based on principles of nonviolence and respect for the Earth.

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Superb Lyrebirds ‘Farm’ Their Invertebrate Prey, Ornithologists Discover

How one farm is testing multiple carbon-capture tricks all at once

Orbex Betting the Farm on Its European Launcher Challenge Bid

InsectNet technology identifies insects around the world and around the farm

InsectNet technology identifies insects around the world and around the farm - EurekAlert

So you want to build a solar or wind farm? Here's how to decide where

Scientists tackle farm nutrient pollution with sustainable, affordable designer biochar pellets - EurekAlert

Scientists tackle farm nutrient pollution with sustainable, affordable designer biochar pellets

SpaceX Dropped Space Junk on My Neighbor’s Farm. Here’s What Happened Next

Cutting farm nitrous oxide emissions helps climate and ozone layer

Farm-to-table study reveals why whole grains are healthiest - EurekAlert

These Hardy Plants Have Figured Out How to 'Farm' Microbes in Their Soil

Want to Start a Farm on Mars? This Rover Will Find Out if it’s Possible

Want to Start a Farm on Mars? This Rover Will Find Out if it's Possible

Farm-to-school food program a net positive, study finds

Farm-Raised Fish May Not Be Free of Mercury and Other Pollutants: Aquaculture fish, usually fed a controlled diet, are generally less exposed to mercury than their wild, free-foraging cousins. But because they are raised in the ocean they can still absorb mercury, PCBs and dioxins

A Billion-Dollar Plan to Fix Farm Emissions Might Make Things Worse

Commercial-Scale Wind Farm Off New Jersey Coast Approved

24 hours of the Earth's rotation, with the camera locked to the sky instead of the ground. We're all hanging out on this spinning rock. (Video by Bartosz Wojczyński at Tivoli Southern Sky Guest Farm in Namibia)

mRNA Vaccines Could Prevent Diseases in Farm Animals