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Scientists discover the cellular functions of a family of proteins integral to inflammatory diseases

Family learning environments in Scandinavia: dimensions, types and socioeconomic profiles - EurekAlert

How reflecting on gratitude received from family can make you a better leader

Family and media pressure to lose weight in adolescence linked to how people value themselves almost two decades later

Shuttle, Family Inspire NASA’s Cryogenic Technology Manager

New UAE astronauts prepare for Ramadan and family reunions: report

Discovery of ‘molecular machine’ brings new immune therapies a step closer. Yale scientists have discovered a family of immune proteins that could affect the way our bodies fight infection.

Venomous Snake Pulled From a Family's Fridge Water Dispenser in a Horrifying Development

Family Sizes to Dramatically Decline in The Near Future, Scientists Predict

Study shows that parenting perfectionism indirectly contributes to employees experiencing conflict between their family and work responsibilities via overprotection

Mysterious fruit shown to be the oldest known fossils of the Frankincense and Myrrh family

Chimps and bonobos can recognize long-lost friends and family for decades, find researchers

Chimps remember the faces of old friends and family for decades

15 mind-bending scientific riddles to enjoy solving with your family

Frequently seeing friends and family may cut the risk of early death

Tomorrow the family of an ESA engineer who committed suicide have one last shot to persuade a Paris Court to overthrow ESA's diplomatic immunity, for the first time in the space agency’s 50-year history, and force it to release documents related to the circumstances that lead to his death.

Depressed people are most dissatisfied with their finances, employment, health, leisure, and life as a whole. They are most satisfied with the people they live with or with living alone, their relationship with family, accommodation, personal safety, friendships and sex life.

How your microbiome is shaped by your friends, family, lovers and pets

When it comes to starting a family, timing is everything

Jackdaws switch friends to gain food -- but stick with family