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Harnessing failure as an asset: How researchers are innovating smarter wearable tech

Harnessing failure as an asset: How Rice researchers are innovating smarter wearable tech - EurekAlert

Fatty muscles increase the risk of heart disease. Research shows that people with hidden fat in their muscles have a higher risk of death or hospitalization for heart attack or heart failure, regardless of their body mass index.

3D-printing advance mitigates three defects simultaneously for failure-free metal parts

Failure and Collapse of the Arecibo Observatory Telescope Assessed by New Report

Boeing: Here's what we know about the Oct. 19 failure and breakup of the Intelsat 33e satellite - Space Intel Report

Targeting failure with new polymer technology to enhance sustainability - EurekAlert

Improving access to heart-failure screening with saliva

Improving access to heart-failure screening with saliva - EurekAlert

New Research Unveils Muscle Growth Secrets: Why Training to Failure May Not Be Necessary

No, the Seine Cleanup Wasn’t a Failure

Connections between obesity and heart failure

For bigger muscles push close to failure, for strength, maybe not

For bigger muscles push close to failure, for strength, maybe not - EurekAlert

SpaceX bounces back from Falcon 9 failure with successful Starlink launch

SpaceX finds cause of Falcon 9 failure, eyes return to flight as soon as July 27

Rocket Report: Chinese firm suffers another failure; Ariane 6 soars in debut

Diabetes increases the risk of failure in spinal fusion procedures - EurekAlert

Wiring Wisdom: How the Brain Learns From Fear and Failure

Failure of senolytic treatment to prevent cognitive decline in a female rodent model of aging (2024)