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Nobel-winning neuroscientist faces scrutiny for data discrepancies in more than a dozen papers

This Extremely Rare Neurological Condition Makes Faces Appear Distorted or ‘Like a Demon’

If faces look like demons, you could have this extraordinary condition

Chimpanzees and Bonobos May Remember Faces for More Than 20 Years

Bonobos and Chimps Recognize Faces of Their Friends Even after Many Years of Separation

Chimps Can Still Remember Faces After a Quarter Century

Chimps remember the faces of old friends and family for decades

There's a Surprisingly Simple Explanation For Why Horses Have Long Faces

Wasps that recognize faces cooperate more, may be smarter

Genes influence whether infants prefer to look at faces or non-social objects

There's an Unsettling Racial Bias in How Well AI Faces Can Fool Us

The Eternal Memory review: Poignant film shows memory's many faces

Skin Sensation Science Unmasked: Why Do Faces Feel “Tight” After Being Washed?

New mothers more likely to experience pareidolia, when your brain thinks it see faces in inanimate objects

New mothers may have enhanced ability to see faces in objects

Beyond Faces: Stanford Study Reveals Broader Memory Challenges in Children With Autism