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How Flounder Wound Up With an Epic Side-Eye

Lightning Bonds: Capturing Halogen Magic in the Blink of an Eye

Innovative bird-eye-inspired camera developed for enhanced object detection

When an Eel Takes a Bite Then an Octopus Might Claim an Eyeball

Imaging fibrous structure abnormalities of the white of the eye in myopathic patients

Imaging fibrous structure abnormalities of the white of the eye in myopathic patients - EurekAlert

Parasite that lived in woman's eye for 2 years likely came from crocodile meat

Researchers use the eye as a window to study liver health

News at a glance: ‘Lobster eye’ space telescope, psychiatrists’ conflicts, and elusive common sense

The Deceptive Realism of AI: White Faces That Fool the Eye

Cell types in the eye have ancient evolutionary origins

Researchers find promising candidate to treat irreversible lung and eye diseases in extremely premature infants

Lasers And Eye-Popping Video Projections Turn S.F. Into Giant Art Canvas

Eye-safe laser technology to diagnose traumatic brain injury

‘Insect-eye’ compass can navigate by the sun even on a cloudy day

The mind's eye of a neural network system

Euclid’s Eye on the “Hidden Galaxy” – A Spiral Revelation in Infrared

Eye on the Prize: Revolutionary Microscale Device To Treat Diabetes

China's astronauts grow vegetables in orbit, with an eye on deep space exploration

For the First Time – Scientists Have Determined the Molecular Age of the Eye