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Can genetically modifying a rare marsupial save it from extinction?

Genetic Puzzles Solved: Why European Colonization Drove the Blue Antelope to Extinction

Why European colonization drove the blue antelope to extinction - EurekAlert

Northern white rhino could be saved from extinction using frozen skin

Last chance to record archaic Greek language 'heading for extinction'

Can science save the northern white rhino from extinction and even bring back the dodo?

Scientists Grow Elephant Stem Cells in Key Step Toward Woolly Mammoth ‘De-Extinction’ The team’s lofty goal of “resurrection” is still far from reality, but scientists say the advancement in understanding cells could help with elephant conservation.

New study reveals insight into which animals are most vulnerable to extinction due to climate change

Climate Change Is Changing Fish Behavior. It Could Lead to Extinction

Rethinking the Rules of Extinction and Survival: Scientists May Have Cracked the “Aging Process” in Species

The Extinction of the Giant Ape: Scientists Solve Long-Standing Mystery

Survivors of the Ice Age: How Did the Brown Bear Beat Extinction?

Half of migratory animal species are in decline – many face extinction

The Extreme Sport of Ice Climbing Is at Risk of Extinction

World's first successful embryo transfer in rhinos paves the way for saving the northern white rhinos from extinction

Fear of snakes may be driving them to extinction

Epic 600-Mile Travels of One Wooly Mammoth May Hold Clues to Their Extinction

Gold nanoparticles could help coral reefs avoid extinction

World's 'Rarest Insect' Makes Stunning Comeback After Near-Extinction

Giant 'kings of apes' once roamed southern China. We solved the mystery of their extinction