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How much exercise do children really need – and what type?

How to use psychology to hack your mind and fall in love with exercise

What is the optimal amount of exercise and how much is too much?

Brain Boost Linked to Exercise Can Last Several Years, Scientists Find

Roles of PEDF in exercise-induced suppression of senescence and its impact on lung pathology in mice - EurekAlert

Already 30 minutes of exercise increases the proportion of tumor-killing white blood cells in blood

NASA Asteroid Experts Create Hypothetical Impact Scenario for Exercise

Muscle zapping during exercise helps people recover after a stroke

Study Uncovers How Much Exercise You Need Weekly To Control Your Blood Pressure

Study of Extracellular Vesicle in ME/CFS during exercise shows “A failure to respond”

Exercise Reverses Specific Age-Related Brain Changes In Mice

New Research Reveals That Exercise Can Rewire Brains and Erase Traumatic Memories

Exercise spurs neuron growth and rewires the brain, helping mice forget traumatic and addictive memories - EurekAlert

Exercise spurs neuron growth and rewires the brain, helping mice forget traumatic and addictive memories

New Drug Makes Exercise Easier for People With Common Heart Condition

Senolytic effects of exercise in human muscles require acute inflammation (2024)

Reversing Aging: Exercise Rejuvenates Brain Cells

New drug makes exercise, everyday tasks easier for people with common heart condition

Unveiling the Hidden Molecular World of Exercise

Scientists Confirm Exercise Slows Down The Perception of Time