The science of exercise: Sticking to your New Year’s workout plan
Research reveals music can improve wellbeing and mental health like exercise or weight loss
When muscles work out, they help neurons to grow, a new study shows: « The findings suggest that biochemical and physical effects of exercise could help heal nerves. »
New Research Reveals That a Single Session of Exercise Can Supercharge Your Brain for the Next 24 Hours
A Few Minutes of Exercise Today Could Do Wonders For Your Brain Tomorrow
Study: Just One Extra Hour of Exercise Each Week Can Reduce Your Risk for Common Heart Condition
Short-term cognitive boost from exercise may last for 24 hours
The science of exercise: How a workout benefits your brain
Controlling a cancer-associated gene can mimic muscle growth from exercise
When muscles work out, they help neurons to grow.
The findings suggest that biochemical and physical effects of exercise could help heal nerves.
While more is better, even moderate amounts of exercise may reduce risk for common heart condition