
In solar cell research, carrier multiplication is the phenomenon wherein the absorption of a single photon leads to the excitation of multiple electrons from the valence band to conduction band.

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The Exciton Enigma: Unlocking the Secrets of 2D Semiconductors at the Atomic Level

How electron spectroscopy measures exciton 'holes'

Lighting the path: Exploring exciton binding energies in organic semiconductors

Exciton fission: One photon in, two electrons out

Exciton Fission Breakthrough Could Revolutionize Photovoltaic Solar Cell Technology

New Study Finds Link between Photosynthesis and Exciton Condensates

Ultrafast Film Reveals Exciton Fission in Solar Cells: How One Photon Becomes Four Charge Carriers

Ultrafast Polaronic Exciton Dissociation Mechanism in 2D Perovskites

Singlet Exciton Fission: Breakthrough for More Efficient Solar Cells and Light-Based Technologies

Sandwich-style construction: Toward ultra-low-energy exciton electronics

A direct look at OLED films leads to some pretty exciton findings

New study presents tip-induced nano-engineering of strain, bandgap, and exciton funneling in 2D semiconductors

Scientists capture image of an electron's orbit within an exciton

First Ever Image Captured of an Electron’s Orbit Within an Exciton

Scientists capture first ever image of an electron's orbit within an exciton