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Why eggs should be front and centre in the story of evolution

How a Faint Magnetic Pulse May Have Jumpstarted Evolution 600 Million Years Ago

See New Images of the Horsehead Nebula, Captured in Striking Detail by the James Webb Telescope. The beautiful infrared imagery features one of the best known locations in space to study the evolution of stars and interstellar matter.

Unlocking the genetic mysteries behind plant adaptation: New insights into the evolution of a water-saving trait in the ... - EurekAlert

“Incredible Hulk” lizard provides clues to understanding evolution - EurekAlert

Evolution vs. Engineering: Why Can’t Robots Outrun Animals?

How evolution has optimized the magnetic sensor in birds - EurekAlert

The Evolution of a Big, Ugly Cry

Why Feathers Are One of Evolution’s Cleverest Inventions

Evolution in Action? Nitrogen-Fixing Organelles May Be Nature’s Next Big Leap

Evolution's recipe book: How 'copy paste' errors cooked up the animal kingdom

Evolution's recipe book: How 'copy paste' errors led to insect flight, octopus camouflage and human cognition

Evolution's recipe book: How ‘copy paste’ err - EurekAlert

Survival of the nicest: have we got evolution the wrong way round?

The evolving attitudes of Gen X toward evolution

Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, wrote about evolution in the 1740's, over a century before Charles Darwin's published his Origin of Species

Why are there so many species of beetles? Diet played a key role in the evolution of the vast beetle family tree.

In the evolution of walking, the hip bone connected to the rib bones

In the evolution of walking, the hip bone connected to the rib bones - EurekAlert

Left-handed monkeys prompt rethink about evolution of right-handedness