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How evolution tamed a deadly virus and why we should still worry

What a Bizarre Taco-Shaped Sea Creature Can Teach Us About Evolution

New Research Sheds Light on Processes that Shaped Hominin Evolution in Eastern Africa

An Ancient Partnership: Unlocking the Microbial Blueprint of Earth’s Evolution

34-Million-Year-Old Snake Discovered in Wyoming Changes Our Understanding of Evolution

An Ancient Partnership: Co-Evolution of Earth Environments and Microbial Life

The Dawn of Fashion: How Eyed Needles Tailored the Evolution of Dress

A recent study links the evolution of multicellularity to the extreme environmental conditions of the so-called Snowball Earth period, when glaciers may have stretched from the poles to the equator.

Mobile phone data helps track pathogen spread and evolution of superbugs - EurekAlert

Mobile phone data helps track pathogen spread and evolution of superbugs

New Understandings of Food, Fat, Fitness and Evolution

The evolution of firefly lights - EurekAlert

Galactic winds from black holes found to influence the evolution of galaxies

Chilling discovery: Study reveals evolution of human cold and menthol sensing protein, offering hope for future non-addictive pain therapies

Chilling discovery: Study reveals evolution of human cold and menthol sensing protein, offering hope for future non ... - EurekAlert

Cosmic Winds at Warp Speed: How Black Holes Propel Galaxy Evolution

A surprisingly quick enzyme could shift our understanding of evolution

Johns Hopkins Scientists Discover Unusual New Hero in Evolution

This 127-Million-Year-Old Fossil Links Dinosaur and Bird Evolution. The dino-bird hybrid boasts a stubby tail, clawed wings and sharp teeth.

Breaking Evolution’s Rules: Scientists Uncover Surprising Reemergence of Once-Lost Biological Traits