Life signs could survive near surfaces of Enceladus and Europa

Signs of life could survive on solar system moons Enceladus and Europa

Study: Biological Amino Acids Could Survive in Near-Surface Ices of Europa and Enceladus

NASA’s flagship mission to Europa has a problem: Vulnerability to radiation

A Hopping Robot Could Explore Europa Using Locally Harvested Water

Exoplanet Could be an Enormous Version of Europa

If alien life exists on Europa, we may find it in hydrothermal vents

Mission to Europa

“The dream result is to understand,” says Europa Clipper's Project Scientist Robert Pappalardo, referred to as the mission’s Jean-Luc Picard. “Can we identify ... an oasis at Europa? Maybe there's shallow liquid water on the surface. That could be a place we might send a Lander in the future.”

Europa's Icy Crust Is 'Free-Floating' Across the Moon's Hidden Ocean, New Juno Images Suggest

NASA's Juno provides high-definition views of Europa's icy shell

NASA’s Juno Provides High-Definition Views of Europa’s Icy Shell

Our picture of habitability on Europa, a top contender for hosting life, is changing

If Europa has Geysers, They’re Very Faint

A Single Grain of Ice Could Hold Evidence of Life on Europa and Enceladus

See the messages NASA is sending to Jupiter's icy moon, Europa

Sending “Water” to Europa

NASA's mission to Europa isn't meant to find alien life - but it could

Europa Might Not Be Able to Support Life in its Oceans

Icy impacts: Planetary scientists use physics and images of impact craters to gauge the thickness of ice on Europa