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Webb telescope spots hints that Eris, Makemake are geologically active. Webb measured isotopes at the edge of the Solar System, hinting at chemistry.

Even Eris and Makemake Could Have Geothermal Activity

Evidence for hydrothermal or metamorphic activity within the icy dwarf planets Eris and Makemake

Webb Finds Evidence of Hydrothermal Processes in Interiors of Eris and Makemake

Pluto's 'almost twin' dwarf planet Eris is surprisingly squishy

New Research Sheds Light on Internal Structure of Dwarf Planet Eris

Eris Could be Slushier Than Pluto

Dwarf planet Eris is 'squishier' than expected. Eris is about the size of Pluto but around 50% farther from the sun. The discovery of Eris in the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune in 2005 prompted the debate that ultimately reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet.

Scientists discern internal structure of mysterious dwarf planet Eris

Eris and Makemake might be hiding unexpected oceans of liquid water

New COVID Variant “Eris” on the Rise