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ERC grants for three University of Groningen researchers - EurekAlert

ERC grant for groundbreaking wearable health tech - EurekAlert

You are what you eat – ERC grant supports research into past people’s identities based on their dietary practices - EurekAlert

Johannes Wahl receives ERC Starting Grant: New methods to accelerate drug discovery - EurekAlert

On a mission to cure HIV: Christian Gaebler receives ERC Starting Grant - EurekAlert

Seven ERC Starting Grants for the University of Bonn - EurekAlert

ERC Starting Grants for Maria Eichlseder and Fariba Karimi - EurekAlert

LIST researcher wins European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant - EurekAlert

ERC advanced grant for paleoanthropologist Gabriele Macho - EurekAlert

Hebrew University trio receives prestigious ERC grants - EurekAlert

ERC wants to see what shapes the stories AI tells us - EurekAlert

Mirta Galesic awarded ERC Advanced Grant - EurekAlert