Improving the performance of biosensors: Developing new materials for effectively harnessing the power of enzymes
A novel approach to mapping and engineering enzymes for enhanced plastic recycling - EurekAlert
'Moonlighting' enzymes can lead to new cancer therapies
Modified pea proteins are shaping the future of meat alternatives
University of Minnesota scientists use enzymes to mimic beef texture in plant-based protein
Enzymes help engineer safer, more effective vaccines
Researchers discover how enzymes 'tie the knot'
Researchers discover how enzymes ‘tie the knot’ - EurekAlert
Enzymes instead of cyanide: Researchers develop biocatalytic process for nitrile production - EurekAlert
Shaping nanoparticles with enzymes
Chicken feathers to deliver chemotherapy drugs and repair enzymes - EurekAlert
Enzymes open new path to universal donor blood
Enzymes open new path to universal donor blood - EurekAlert
Enzymes Discovered in Gut Bacteria Can Change a Donor's Blood Groups
Enzymes can't tell artificial DNA from the real thing
Luciferases are enzymes that allow organisms to produce light Researcher developed a modified enzyme with prolonged and stable luminescence, promising improved disease diagnosis and facilitating research.