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Metacognitive abilities like reading the emotions and attitudes of others may be more influenced by environment than genetics

Stirring up emotions – Parkinson’s disease al - EurekAlert

Researchers map how the brain regulates emotions

Frans de Waal taught the world that animals had emotions

How emotions affect word retrieval in people with aphasia

Humans can 'smell' each other's emotions — but we don't know how

Losing Only Two Hours of Sleep Affects Your Emotions

Beliefs about Emotions Influence How People Feel, Act and Relate to Others

Why emotions stirred by music create such powerful memories

Scientists Discover That Worms May Have “Emotions”

Emotions — They're Not Just For Humans

Contrary to Popular Intuition – New Study Finds That People Experience Emotions With AI-Generated Art

New Research Reveals That People With Anxiety Use a Less Suitable Section of Brain To Control Emotions

Placebos may ease pain by acting on brain systems linked to emotions

Software can detect hidden and complex emotions in parents

The Beast review: Is AI the beast in a powerful tale about emotions?

Don’t worry, bee happy: Bees found to have emotions and moods