Hear how people re-learn to live with emotions during brain stimulation
How do Asians express emotions through body movement? - EurekAlert
Can AI read pain and other emotions in your dog’s face?
Uncertainty is not all bad. Recent paper summarizes benefits of uncertainty: It focuses attention, heightens learning, serves as a distraction, increases enjoyment of entertainment, and boosts emotions (useful for positive emotions).
Words activate hidden brain processes shaping emotions, decisions, and behavior - EurekAlert
The Surprising Link Between Smell, Sound, and Emotions
Humans have linked emotions to the same body parts for 3,000 years
Mesopotamians Felt Emotions in Strange Parts of Their Body, Study Finds
Scientific thought on emotions in animals
‘We have emotions too’: Climate scientists respond to attacks on objectivity
How do we recognize other people's emotions?
AI Is Learning To Read Your Emotions: Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing
AI is learning to read your emotions, and here’s why that can be a good thing - EurekAlert
Smell of human stress affects dogs' emotions leading them to make more pessimistic choices
Under embargo: Smell of human stress affects dogs’ emotions leading them to make more pessimistic choices - EurekAlert
Under embargo: Smell of human stress affects dogs’ emotions leading them to make more pessimistic choices - EurekAlert
Emotional overeating fed by temperament, caregivers' reactions to children's emotions
AI recognizes athletes' emotions
Dartmouth Researchers Have Mapped How the Brain Regulates Emotions
Metacognitive abilities like reading the emotions and attitudes of others may be more influenced by environment than genetics