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From ants to elephants, animals play a huge role in shaping our planet

Ancient Fossil Discovery Reveals That Early Humans Ate Elephants 300,000 Years Ago

Watch elephants use a hose to shower themselves – and prank others

Why elephants never forget but fleas have, well, the attention span of a flea

Why elephants never forget but fleas have, well, the attention span of a flea - EurekAlert

Bees vs. Elephants: Kenya’s Sweet Solution to Wildlife Conflict

Study suggests elephants remember zookeepers after many years

Revealed: Elephants and Gorillas Hang Out in Hidden Playgrounds

Return of the elephants seals: From a few to thousands

Paleolithic Humans Caused Extinction of Dwarf Hippos and Elephants on Cyprus

Zimbabwe To Cull 200 Elephants To Feed Its Citizens Amid Drought

Tiny Hippos And Elephants Once Roamed Cyprus, Until Humans Arrived

Marmosets Have a Skill Only Seen in Dolphins, Elephants, And You

Elephants Arrive, So Humans Don’t Forget

Study Finds Elephants Communicate Using Names, Just Like Humans

Thermal stress, p53 structures and learning from elephants (2024)

Elephants on the move: Mapping connections across African landscapes - EurekAlert

Elephants on the move: Mapping connections across African landscapes

Elephants may refer to each other by name

Elephants have names — and they use them with each other