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Electronics That Defy Venus’ Heat: How Gallium Nitride Could Revolutionize Space Exploration

Mechanical computer relies on kirigami cubes, not electronics

Molecular sponge for the electronics of the future - EurekAlert

Molecular sponge for the electronics of the future

Spin Secrets Unlocked: New Milestone in Spintronics Could Revolutionize Electronics

Ultra-Thin Crystals Unlock New Possibilities in Electronics and Quantum Computing

New crystal production method could enhance quantum computers and electronics

Revolutionizing Electronics: Air-Doped Organic Semiconductors Unveiled

Field-Free Future: The Rise of Quantum Precision in Electronics

How MIT Is Revolutionizing Electronics With 3D-Printed Solenoids

Bridging Realms: Unveiling the Future of Electronics at Terahertz Speeds

Tackling e-waste by making electronics compostable and recyclable

New Adaptive Roof Tile Cuts Both Heating and Cooling Costs Without the Need for Electronics

Radiation hardness study of superconducting detectors and electronics

A new method to develop recyclable, organic and flexible electronics

Materials-predicting AI from DeepMind could revolutionize electronics, batteries, and solar cells

Redefining Electronics: Ferroelectric Material Is Now Elastic

Electronics on world's largest radio telescope are more radio-quiet than a smartphone on the moon

New method combines DNA nanoballs and electronics to enable simple pathogen detection

Energizing the World’s Largest Radio Telescope With SMART Box “Radio-Quiet” Electronics