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Breakthrough in clean energy: Scientists pioneer novel heat-to-electricity conversion - EurekAlert

Data centers powering artificial intelligence could use more electricity than entire cities

Quantum-inspired design boosts efficiency of heat-to-electricity conversion

Artificial plant generates electricity to power devices, cleans indoor air: « Mimicking the natural processes of plants, each artificial leaf generates electricity during photosynthesis, with water and nutrients supplied through transpiration and capillary action. »

Reducing bacterial skin infections with harmless zaps of electricity

Defibrillation devices can save lives using 1,000 times less electricity - EurekAlert

Defibrillation devices can save lives using 1,000 times less electricity

Clean Energy Is Bringing Electricity to Many in the Navajo Nation

Harnessing vibrations: RPI-engineered material generates electricity from unexpected source - EurekAlert

Harnessing vibrations: Engineered material generates electricity from unexpected source

Can electricity treat high blood pressure? - EurekAlert

Taiwan Makes the Majority of the World’s Computer Chips. Now It’s Running Out of Electricity

Innovative catalyst produces methane using electricity - EurekAlert

New cooling system works on gravity instead of electricity - EurekAlert

These Record-Breaking New Solar Panels Produce 60 Percent More Electricity

With KIMM’s new technology, electricity can be generated from seawater - EurekAlert

Fighting coastal erosion with electricity

Fighting coastal erosion with electricity - EurekAlert

Fighting coastal erosion with electricity - EurekAlert

Smart fabric converts body heat into electricity