Tweak to Schrödinger's cat equation could unite Einstein's relativity and quantum mechanics, study hints

Could Gravitational-Wave ‘Memories’ Prove Einstein Wrong?

The Next Einstein: New AI Can Develop New Theories of Physics

Quantum Gravity Unveiled – Scientists Crack the Cosmic Code That Baffled Einstein

Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity Leads to Revolutionary Gravastar Model

Einstein's predictions mean rare 'gravitational lasers' could exist throughout the universe, new paper claims

Einstein may be wrong about how mirrors travelling at light speed work

How Einstein built on the past to make his breakthroughs

Einstein’s Enigma: How a Mysterious Cosmic Object in Milky Way Could Test Relativity Like Never Before

2nd image of 1st black hole ever pictured confirms Einstein's general relativity (photo)

Einstein’s Insight: Why Does Gravity Pull Us Down and Not Up?

Einstein’s Twist: Princeton Astrophysicists Unravel the Mystery of Black Hole Jets and Galactic “Lightsabers”

What Can You Do With an Einstein?

Beyond Einstein: A Solution to One of the Great Mysteries of Cosmology

New theory unites Einstein's gravity with quantum mechanics

Reimagining the Cosmos: New Theory Unites Einstein’s Gravity With Quantum Mechanics

Einstein’s Puzzle: Unraveling the Mystery of the Universe’s Accelerating Expansion

Ultracold atoms in space will let us stress test Einstein's relativity

Why Even Einstein Couldn’t Unite Physics

Einstein’s Theories Revisited: Scientists Produce “Pseudogravity” Using Photonic Crystals