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Science funding cuts hurts our economy and stifles innovation opinion

Daylight Saving Time and Early School Start Times Cost The Economy Billions

Scientists study breeding of pet fish to help protect reefs and fuel Florida’s economy - EurekAlert

Cutting funding for science can have consequences for the economy, US technological competitiveness

NASA generated $76 billion for US economy in 2023, report says

New Report Shows NASA’s $75.6 Billion Boost to US Economy

APA Poll: Future of nation, economy and presidential election top U.S. stressors - EurekAlert

People aren’t volunteering as much these days. The economy may be to blame.

A new way of thinking about the economy could help protect the Amazon, and help its people thrive

US economy to benefit from NASA investment in 3D-printable superalloy

Ambitious goal to sequence RNA could boost US economy - EurekAlert

NASA Licenses 3D-Printable Superalloy to Benefit US Economy

New data: UTSA economic development institute added $2.6 billion to Texas' economy - EurekAlert

The Impact Of Climate Change On Global Health And Economy. Health impacts, deaths, and economic losses measured

U.S. Emissions Fell by 2 Percent in 2023, Even as Economy Grew

InnovationRx: Ransomware Attacks On U.S. Health Systems Have Cost The Economy Nearly $80 Billion

How and why the Pentagon is laying the groundwork for an economy on the Moon

Invasive species costs global economy $423 billion per year - UN report