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Hair conditioner made from wood is black and smelly, but eco-friendly

High yield, eco-friendly rice reduces methane emissions by 70%

Eco-friendly actions boost happiness as much as hobbies, research shows - Study found that engaging in proenvironmental behaviors—such as cleaning up litter, reducing waste, or using sustainable transportation—boosts happiness and a sense of meaning.

Breakthrough Energy Tech: Eco-Friendly Power From Biomolecular Crystals

The importance of eco-friendly sensors in global food supply

Exploring the eco-friendly future of antibiotic particles - EurekAlert

Exploring the eco-friendly future of antibiotic particles

Nature’s Secret Weapon: Goji Berries Transform Into Eco-Friendly Antibacterial Nanoparticles

Chemists create eco-friendly method to make chlorine-based materials for drugs and chemicals

Rice chemists create eco-friendly method to make chlorine-based materials for drugs and chemicals - EurekAlert

Taking a cue from lightning, eco-friendly reactor converts air and water into ammonia - EurekAlert

Travelers weigh in on weight-based airfares for eco-friendly skies

Supercharged E. coli: The Future of Eco-Friendly Chemical Production

Scientists Develop Super-Strong, Eco-Friendly Plastic That Bacteria Can Eat

New method of generating eco-friendly energy

Eco-friendly biomass pretreatment method yields efficient biofuels and adsorbents - EurekAlert

Eco-Friendly Fibers May Pose a Greater Threat to the Planet Than Plastics, Concerning Study Reveals

Human urine could be used as eco-friendly crop fertilizer

How to Wash Laundry in an Eco-Friendly, Sustainable Way

Novel green chemistry: A safe, low-cost, and eco-friendly conversion process for the synthesis of sulfonyl fluorides