earliest evidence

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Earliest evidence for humans in rainforests

Earliest evidence for humans in rainforests - EurekAlert

22,000-year-old tracks are earliest evidence of transport vehicles

Earliest evidence of humans using fire to shape the landscape of Tasmania

Scientists uncover earliest evidence of fire use to manage Tasmanian landscape - EurekAlert

Archaeologists report earliest evidence for plant farming in east Africa

Archaeologists report earliest evidence for plant farming in east Africa - EurekAlert

Archaeologists Uncover Earliest Evidence for Plant Farming in East Africa

The earliest evidence for a microblade adaptation in the remote, high altitude regions of the Tibetan plateau - EurekAlert

Fresh findings: Earliest evidence of life-bringing freshwater on Earth

Fresh findings: Earliest evidence of life-bringing freshwater on Earth - EurekAlert

Earliest Evidence of Earth’s Magnetic Field Found in Greenland

Is This the Earliest Evidence of Human Cannibalism?

45,000-Year-Old Tools And Bones Reveal Earliest Evidence of Homo Sapiens in Eastern Asia

Scientists Just Discovered a 1.75 Billion-Year-Old Secret About The Origin of Life

Earliest evidence for domestic yak found using both archaeology, ancient DNA

Earliest evidence of buildings made from wood is 476,000 years old

Earliest Evidence of Wooden Construction Uncovered

130-Million-Year-Old Trace Fossils Reveal Earliest Evidence of Deep-Sea Vertebrates