Hitting the Books: We'd likely have to liquidate Jupiter to build a Dyson Sphere around the Sun

Would building a Dyson sphere be worth it? We ran the numbers.

The aliens are all hanging out on Dyson spheres circling white dwarfs, physicist argues

The aliens are all hanging out on Dyson spheres circling white dwarfs, physicist argues

The aliens are all hanging out on Dyson spheres circling white dwarfs, physicist argues

If There are Dyson Spheres Around White Dwarfs, We Should be Able to Detect Them

How to Build a Dyson Swarm

Cyber Monday Dyson air purifier deals: What’s in stock and on sale from Dyson

Save $100 on advanced Dyson Cool air purifier this Black Friday

Dyson AM10 Humidifier review

Paper presented at the European Astronomical Society meeting explores the potential for Dyson spheres across the Milky Way, finding at least five stars could possibly house a Dyson sphere (a theoretical megastructure built around a star to harness its energy output).

Dyson Purifier Cool review

Alien 'Dyson spheres' could be harvesting the power of black holes

Advanced Civilizations Could be Using Dyson Spheres to Collect Unimaginable Energy From Black Holes

Alien 'Dyson spheres' could be harvesting the power of black holes

Advanced Civilizations Could be Using Dyson Spheres to Collect Energy From Black Holes. Here’s how we Could Detect Them

Dyson Spheres Around Black Holes Could Reveal Alien Civilizations, Scientists Say

Earlier this year, A scientist studying Boyajian’s star and SETI astronomers teamed up to pitch NASA on using TESS data to look for megastructures like Dyson Spheres. NASA granted the proposal. For the first time in history, NASA is officially sponsoring a search for alien megastructures.

How to spot an alien megastructure: The new search for Dyson spheres