
Dune is a 1965 epic science fiction novel by American author Frank Herbert, originally published as two separate serials in Analog magazine.

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Avalanches, Icy Explosions, and Dunes: NASA Is Tracking New Year on Mars

Are Titan's Dunes Made of Comet Dust?

Are Titan's Dunes Made of Comet Dust?

Beaches and dunes globally squeezed by roads and buildings

In a twist, beach grass could make dunes more vulnerable to storms

Scientists discover fire records embedded within sand dunes

China’s Zhurong Mars Rover Finds Evidence of Water in Martian Sand Dunes

China's Mars rover finds signs of recent water in sand dunes

Strange Circular Sand Dunes Discovered on Mars by NASA Spacecraft

Strange circular dunes on Mars spotted in these NASA photos

Mars Has Bizarre Dunes Thanks to its Low Atmospheric Pressure and Strange Winds

Seen From Space: Sand Dunes on Mars Covered by Frost

How Mars' thin and turbulent atmosphere leads to curiously sized dunes

Tiny underwater sand dunes may shed light on larger terrestrial and Martian formations

NASA's Titan Dragonfly will touch down on a field of dunes and shattered ice

NASA's Titan Dragonfly will touch down on a field of dunes and shattered ice

HiRISE Captures Barchan Dunes Carving Beautiful Shapes on The Surface of Mars

Beautiful Dunes on Mars, Sculpted by Swirling Winds

Strange Mars dunes reveal where the wind blows on the Red Planet

Striking dunes on Mars boast a complex formation history