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DeepMind AI can predict how drugs interact with proteins

Parents' watchful eye may keep young teens from trying alcohol, drugs: Study - EurekAlert

Pancreatic cancer is difficult to treat. Nano-drugs hitching a ride on bacteria could help - EurekAlert

Circadian rhythms can influence drugs' effectiveness

Antibiotic Breakthrough: Revolutionary Chinese Study Paves Way for Superbug Defeating Drugs

Melanomas resist drugs by 'breaking' genes - EurekAlert

Melanomas resist drugs by 'breaking' genes

Testing drugs on mini-cancers in the lab may reveal best treatment

For the first time, researchers successfully used functional precision medicine — drug screening of hundreds of FDA approved drugs on patient tumor samples — to find treatments for children with relapsed cancers. This unique approach led to 83% of patients showing improvement.

Obesity Is Complex: How Drugs Like Ozempic Can Reinforce Fat Stigma

Insilico Medicine unveils quantum-assisted approach to designing drugs from fragments - EurekAlert

Scientists Link This Incredibly Popular Class of Drugs to a 18% Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s

Patients Hate ‘Forever’ Drugs. Are Ozempic and Wegovy Different?

Patients Hate ‘Forever’ Drugs. Are Ozempic and Wegovy Different?

The next generation of drugs could be made in space. Here’s why

When Medications Collide: New Model Identifies Drugs That Shouldn’t Be Taken Together

New model identifies drugs that shouldn't be taken together

Counteracting Addiction: How Alcohol and Drugs Genetically Rewire Your Brain

Improving quality of life and sleep in people with memory problems without using drugs

New Alzheimer’s drugs bring hope. But not equally for all patients.