
Dopamine receptors are a class of G protein-coupled receptors that are prominent in the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS).

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PET imaging confirms direct involvement of dopamine in cognitive flexibility

PET imaging confirms direct involvement of dopamine in cognitive flexibility - EurekAlert

A hit of dopamine tells baby birds when their song practice is paying off

Dopamine's unexpected role in memory devaluation

MSU study reveals dopamine’s unexpected role in memory devaluation - EurekAlert

Winning Rewires the Brain: New Research Unlocks Secrets of Aggression and Dopamine

Integrating GABA and dopamine signals to regulate meal initiation

Caffeine Seems to Have a Blocking Effect on Dopamine, And Here's Why

Dopamine and serotonin work in opposition to shape learning

Parkinson’s Paradox: When more dopamine means more tremor - EurekAlert

Why do we 'choke' under pressure? New research in monkeys finds a neural mechanism that fumbles motor control under extreme excitement, perhaps triggered by a wave of dopamine.

Challenging current understanding, study reveals rapid release of dopamine not needed for initiating movement - EurekAlert

Placebo pain relief and positive treatment expectations are not caused by dopamine, researchers find

Pain relief from the placebo effect may not actually involve dopamine

Rethinking Pain Relief: The Surprising Truth About Dopamine and Placebos

Taking a 'one in a million' shot to tackle dopamine-linked brain disorders

Taking a ‘one in a million’ shot to tackle dopamine-linked brain disorders - EurekAlert

Melting Away Alzheimer’s: How Dopamine Dissolves Harmful Brain Plaques

The Hidden Roles of Dopamine and Serotonin: Scientists Solve Monoamine Mystery

Dopamine linked to mentalizing abilities