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Deciphering Aging: New Lipid Research Reveals Secrets of Longevity and Chronic Diseases

Monitoring diseases through sweat becomes accessible to everyone - EurekAlert

Environmental Changes Are Fueling Human, Animal and Plant Diseases, Study Finds

Physical activity in nature helps prevent several diseases, including depression and type 2 diabetes

What Is Pollution Doing to Our Brains? 'Exposomics' Reveals Links to Many Diseases

Ancient Egyptian Mummies Reveal What Diseases Plagued the Civilization

Physicists develop modeling software to diagnose serious diseases

'Double life' of key immune protein reveals new strategies for treating cancer and autoimmune diseases

New tool improves the search for genes that cause diseases

Unlocking DNA’s Secrets: Cutting-Edge Tool Finds Genetic Variants That Cause Diseases

Health researchers develop software to predict diseases

When Choosing What Diseases to Develop Drugs For, It All Comes Down to Funding

You may have a higher risk of MS and other diseases if you’re descended from these ancient people

Childhood vaccine exemptions are at an all-time high. Doctors worry diseases like measles could return. Exemptions for school immunizations are the highest recorded in U.S. history.

Researchers find promising candidate to treat irreversible lung and eye diseases in extremely premature infants

Researchers have cracked the cellular code on protein folding, offering hope for new therapeutic avenues for many diseases

Tiny traps can provide new knowledge about difficult-to-treat diseases

Alzheimer's and Parkinson's: Scientists produce human norepinephrine neurons from stem cells

Animal-To-Human Diseases Could Kill 12 Times More People By 2050

New Diagnostic System Based on Tongue Color Analysis Correctly Diagnoses Diseases in 94% of Cases